つい最近の国連人権委員会でファウジア・クーフィさんが、アフガニスタン代表として発言しました。クーフィさんは1975年アフガニスタン北部バダフシャン州生まれ。ガニー政権時代の国会議員で国会副議長も務めました。ターリバーンのカーブル再登場までドーハで行われたターリバーンとの政府交渉団の一員でした。クーフィさんの自伝「お気に入りの娘」(The Favoured Daughter/ Fawzia Koofi & Nadene Ghouri/ 2012)は、現在、本サイトの「編集室から」で連載中です。
国連人権委員会でのFawzia Koofi氏のスピーチを同氏のFacebook(2022年7月3日)より全文翻訳転載いたします。
In the name of God, who has created all human beings equal, Madame High Commisioner, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to thank you on behalf of the women of Afghanistan, and people of Afghanistan, for including the urgent debate. It obviously is a light at the end of the dark long tour that women of Afghanistan are living at the time when I know the attention is diverted to another of war.
Ladies and gentlemen, Afghanistan is suffering from multi-dimentional problems, from humanitarian crisis to human rights crisis to political crisis. The situation of women and girls in Afghanistan are very unique and dire. It is not normal. Definitely, it is not normal anywhere in the world and especially in the rest of muslim countries.
If you look at the figures; from 28% women who were in the parliament presenting the diversity and beauty of their country to 0% participation. From 30% or more women in civil service of their country to 0%. From 4 million girl children in school now to almost 1 and a half million only in school.
From the fact everyday there is at least 1 or 2 women commit suicide for the lack of opportunity, for the mental health, the pressure they receive. The fact that girls as young as 9 years old are being sold not only because of economic pressure but because of the fact there is no hope for them, for their family. It is not normal.
Let’s not think that women in Afghanistan deserve this situation. Women of Afghanistan have proved that they have all the ability to be part of the progress of their country. Afghanistan is the only place in the world that women are basicaly literally invisible, the second class of their citizen.
In 21 century, it is heart breaking it’s painful for me and my other sisters fellow citizens to advocate for our basic rights, the right to be visible, the right not to be erased from public life.
Taliban obviously have not kept their promises of what they were telling us during the negotiation in terms of their respect for islamic rights for women. In fact what they do is in contradiction to islam.
Our beautiful religion starts with Dhikr means reading. But today Taliban under the name of the same religion deprive 55% of the society from going to school. It is not only a matter of social or political participation of women, it’s a matter of our security of the country, because if 55% of the societies are oppressed, are not allowed to exercise their basic human fundamental rights, obviously that country is going to be safe haven for other military extremists.
So I’m urging you today for your own security for the future of your own stability, stand with women of Afghanistan. Move from beautiful statements and the illusions to practice. Use your leverage, whatever leverage you have, over Taliban for them to become accountable, accountable on delivering to their citizen.
I ask the moslem countries, my brothers and sisters, do not let Taliban to misrepresent our beautiful religion. Our religion is the religion of peace, coexistence and acceptance. What Taliban do obviously is in contradiction to what is happening in your own country. So we expect you to be in the full front of the struggle and solidality with us.
I would like to suggest the following to the excellencies, members of United Nations and gentlemen;
1st, I think you now shoud be more accountable on what they do to human rights counsil.
2nd, I suggest that in all your humanitarian intervention, make 50% women participation not only as a recipient of the aid, of course in a personal level it’s heart breaking for me after 20 years to talk about donation and aid in a country that is full of natural resources. But this is our reality. My suggesution is; make it mandate defacto authority to respect 50% women participation not only as a recipient but the decision maker. Please demonstrate this. Make it showcase so that in your own organizations so that they know you are serious about this.
(3rd:)Support woman-led organizations. Now that women are being erased literally from all the public jobs, it’s only the settler society and non-government organization that provide jobs for the people for the women especially.
And the last again, I’d like to emphasize that we need more moslem countries to stand and to demonstrate that islam is about everybody, and what Taliban do is not represantative of islam. I urge all of you to use your leverage, to pursue a political dialogue in Afghanistan, because without a government that is accountable to its people, that is representative of all the diversity of Afghanistan, women will continue to suffer. And obviously we all know that discrimination in Afghanistan can be discrimination anywhere in the world, because discrimination does not know any border. Thank you.
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