Appreciation letter to Japanese poets

Somaia Ramish,  founder of Baamdaad, House of Poetry in Exile
ソマイア・ラミシュ(アフガニスタン亡命詩人の家 バームダード創立者)

(WAJ: 呼びかけから1カ月もない3月10日までに20名を超える日本の詩人からの投稿があったこととあわせて、日本の詩人の協力に対して、アフガニスタン亡命詩人の家 バームダードの創立者であるソマイア・ラミシュさんから『ウエッブ・アフガン』と北海道詩人協会に感謝のメールが届きました。北海道詩人協会事務局長の柴田望さんが早速翻訳を手配し、詩誌『フラジャイル』の公式ブログに掲載してくれました。そのリードとともに、感謝メールの全訳、原文を転載させていただきます。)



2023年3月20日 柴田望






このような状況、まさしく絶望的な現状を変えるのに効果的なものこそが芸術と文化なのです。人々が自分たちの権利のために立ち上がり戦うよう勇気づけ、啓発を与えられるような芸術があります。詩歌、美術、そして文学は、抑圧と検閲、全体主義的な政府に対峙するうえで、何より効果的なのです! 言葉には力があり、私たちはそれを信じています。








(日本語訳 岡和田晃)


Appreciation letter to Japanese poets

On August 15, 2021, Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in an unbelievable way. This fall means the fall of freedom, human rights and all human values.
After the fall of Afghanistan to the hands of the Taliban, strict, cruel and inhuman laws of the Taliban have been imposed on the people every day. Women are sitting in the corners of their homes as prisoners, universities, schools, sports halls, parks, recreation centers are closed. Music, art, poetry and even hope, smile and happiness have been banned!
All this is happening while the world gradually is forgetting about the people of Afghanistan. In fact, this forgetting, silence and indifference vis a vis all these coercion, oppression and violence in Afghanistan is an inhumane and immoral approach. The policy of letting regimes fall, oblivion and supporting military and repressive religious groups in the interest of politics is an act contrary to all standards of human rights!
In such a situation, it is art and culture that can be effective to change the situation. There is art that can inspire and enlighten people to stand up for their rights and fight. Poetry, art and literature can move against repression, censorship and totalitarian governments and be effective! The word has power and we believe in it.
In the light of all these developments, Baamdaad – House of Poetry in Exile, has called on all poets of the world to write about the plight of people and peculiarly women in Afghanistan, who are condemned to gradual death. Baamdaad is a protest movement against censorship and suppression of art and to support Afghan poets.
As the founder of this protest movement, I appreciate the prominent Japanese poets and thinkers who stood beside us with a mission. Your passionate and warm presence in this protest movement was a hope for us.
Japanese poets generously and honestly sent us their poems and declared their solidarity with the poets and people of Afghanistan. I sincerely shake your hand warmly and appreciate you standing by our side.
In the following, I must promise that soon the poetry collection in which the poems of world poets are written against oppression and censorship and to support the poets and people of Afghanistan will be published in the form of a book. This collection of poems is the sacred bond of the poets of the world for freedom and equality. I hope that this cultural window and this solidarity will continue and expand.

All together against repression and censorship
for freedom
Somaia Ramish, founder of Baamdaad, House of Poetry in Exile


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